About Us
What is the Cub Scout Motto, Scout Oath and Scout Law ?
The Cub Scout Motto is
There are 12 points to the Scout Law: Scouts are encouraged to learn how to apply them in their daily lives:
"A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. "
At Scout meetings we practice and recite the Scout Oath:
"On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. "
Our Pack
In 1964, Bob and Mary Fong founded Pack 259 in the Pocket/Greenhaven area to serve the needs for the families of four boys seeking a life in scouting. From those humble beginnings, meeting at what was once "Bear Flag" Elementary School, volunteer leaders of the Pack (parents of our amazing scouts) have persisted through the years; showing our children the importance of serving our community, and living with them the cub scout motto: "Do Your Best."
As a Co-Ed pack, we accept Boys and Girls to join.
Scouts are separated into "Dens" by grade level and follow age appropriate curriculum, go on outings together, and earn the awards according to that rank. All Den activities are attended by parents, one or more of which hold the position of Den Leader.
Once per month, families gather together at "Pack" Meetings to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of the Pack, the Dens, and each individual scout.
Pack meetings are held the third Thursday of every month at 7pm.
Please come out and join us!
Den Meeting times are held on various days and times according to the availability of each Den leader (and the families assigned to that Den).
Dens usually meet twice a month, but switch to once a month over summer.
If you and your Son or Daughter are interested in joining Pack 259, please use the form on the Contact Us page, or email us at 259cubmaster@gmail.com
What We Offer
Scouting is a year-round program uniquely designed to meet the needs of children and their families.
Family involvement is an essential part of the program, which offers fun and challenging activities that promote character development and physical fitness.
Parents are encouraged to play an active role in making the most of the short time they have to impact the lives of their children.
The life lessons learned in Scouting form a foundation to embrace opportunity and overcome obstacles in life.
(From the Be A Scout website)
A fun and safe environment to learn and grow while developing interests and skills
Character building and development centered around good morals and values
The chance to learn life skills that help Scouts be successful adults and contributing members of society
Exciting outdoor experiences kids love like hiking, camping, mountain biking, and more
Leadership Team
Our volunteer Leadership team (parents of scouts) are provided training by BSA on how to implement the Cub Scout program to our youth.
These leaders are able to serve the scouts in the Pack thanks to the invaluable support and assistance of the other parents in our Pack.
-Thank you all
Julia Hawkinson
Pack Cubmaster
Den Leader - Bear (grade 3)
Den Leader - Webelos (grade 4)
Sean Cooke
Committee Chair
Jonathon Miller
Den Leader - Arrow of Light (grade 5)
Kurt Pisor
Den Leader - Wolf (grade 2)
Rachel Dunn
Assistant Den Leader - Wolf (grade 2)
Kimberly MacArthur
Den Leader - Tiger (grade 1)
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Den Leader - LIONS (Kindergarten)
Jason Leung
Jen Carmichael